Aufsatz | Zweierlei Maß

Jürgen Gedinats Aufsatz “Zweierlei Maß“ geht der Frage nach der “menschheitlichen Relevanz der Digitalisierung“ nach: in Auslegung (und Ausführung) des sapere aude! nimmt das Denken hinsichtlich dieses Phänomens selber Witterung auf und lässt sich, eben als selber witterndes, Wegweisendes u.a. von Leibniz und Goethe, von Heisenberg und Novalis, von Papst Franziskus und René Char sagen. Mit desem Beitrag vertieft Gedinat die Diagnose des Digitalen – d.h. dessen Durchleuchtung auf das es tragende und treibende metaphysische Prinzip hin –, die u.a. in dem im Februar dieses Jahres auf eudia erschienenen Text „Internet und Öffentlichkeit“ unternommen wurde.


Vincent van Gogh, Weber am Webstuhl (1884)

Gedinat — Zweierlei Maß

Video | A Conversation on Technics and Translation

In this conversation, Johannes Niederhauser and Ivo De Gennaro discuss, among others, aspects of Heidegger’s reflection on the biding of technics and problems of translation in the context of Heidegger’s thought. The different manner in which that biding informs the philosophical tradition and scientific thinking is also addressed.

Paul KleeTempel (1921)

Niederhauser, De Gennaro — Technics and Translation

Saggio | Etica della guerra

Il saggio Ethik des Krieges di Ralf Lüfter è dedicato ai temi della guerra, e dell’esser-uomo al tempo della guerra, interpretati a partire dall’amicizia artistica fra Ezra Pound e lo scultore e pittore francese Henri Gaudier-Brzeska. Tale amicizia ha inizio con il primo incontro dei due nel 1913, e termina solo due anni dopo, quando lo stesso Gaudier-Brzeska, presentatosi volontario allo scoppio della prima guerra mondiale, cade sul fronte francese.


Henri Gaudier Brzeska, Stags (1913-14)

Lüfter — Ethik des Krieges

New Book | A Companion to Ezra Pound‘s Economics

The book is edited by Ralf Lüfter and Roxana Preda (Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2019).

The aim of the anthology is to question the poetic dimension of Pound’s economics and to render it accessible for the study and understanding of economics as such. As A. David Moody argues in his exemplary contribution, when Pound affirmed that poets ought to occupy themselves with economic matters, he meant “that they should do so as poets, that is, in their poetry”. A first step towards the realization of what Pound claimed to be a genuine poetic responsibility and an ineluctable artistic obligation is to take a constitutive stance within the realm of economic issues, suspending the common practice of building on consolidated concepts and models that are taken for granted, and applied uncritically to what is assumed to be economic reality. Therefore, the poetic dimension of Pound’s economic thinking, generating the groundwork for a new approach to economics, is discussed in the contributions to this anthology. Furthermore, Pound’s work is remembered as a contribution to economics in its own right.

For the present Pound’s economics is forgotten – not in that it is not discussed but in that the discussion about it, carried out by economists as well as by other scholars, is first and foremost based on the said consolidated concepts and models. It then seems to be incomprehensible, unintelligible, hermetic, incongruent, heretical. For that reason its original trait, its source character, remains concealed for now.

Lüfter — Economics out of Ethics

Essay | Die Öffentlichkeit des Internet

Aus der Einleitung des hier abgedruckten Aufsatzes von Jürgen Gedinat: “Mit der Einrichtung des Digitalen in die bisher bekannte, nicht digitale Wirk­lich­keit, ändert sich sowohl diese ganze Wirklichkeit selber, als auch unser Ver­ständ­nis von Wirk­­­lich­keit überhaupt. Diese weitreichende, fundamentale Veränderung wird bislang allerdings nicht angemessen berücksichtigt, ja eine systematische Betrachtung der di­gi­ta­len Ver­­­än­­­­de­­rung unserer ganzen Le­­bensverhältnisse fehlt völlig. So richtet sich un­­­ser Interesse an der Digitalisierung vor allem auf die Wirkung von digitalen Geräten und Prozessen bzw. deren Wirkkapazität. Doch anstatt unsere ganze Aufmerk­samkeit al­lein den besonderen Funktionen solcher Geräte und Prozesse zu widmen, soll­ten wir darüber hinaus ebenso die Auswir­kungen ins Auge fassen, die deren Ein­richtung auf ganze Bereiche unserer heutigen konkreten Wirk­lichkeit haben.”

Konrad Klapheck, Reife (1986)

Gedinat — Internet

Fabel | Die kleine Birke

Die kleine Birke von Tamras Posłowolny ist einer ursprünglich in polnischer Sprache niedergeschriebenen und ins Deutsche übertragenen, im Original verlorenen Sammlung mit dem deutschen Titel: Vierundzwanzig Fabeln einer Neuen Zeit entnommen und wird hier erstmalig, mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Autors, veröffentlicht.

Aus dem Vorwort der Sammlung: „[…] Die Fabel stellt die einfachste und anfängliche Weise der Dichtung dar. […] Sie entstammt, ähnlich wie der Mythos und das Märchen, der Sprache selbst – und daher kennen alle ihre Geschichten schon. […] Alle Leser, die sich an die Fabel heranwagen, müssen – nach Maßen – bereit sein, sich auf das Geheimnis der Sprache und ihrer Geschichte einzulassen. Allen voran derjenige, den wir heute ihren Dichter nennen.

Eduardo Chillida, Zuhaitz V (1989)

Posłowolny — Die kleine Birke

Saggio | Tempo tragico, tempo fisico

Questo saggio di Gino Zaccaria costituisce una rielaborazione del seminario tenuto il 27 luglio 2018 nell’ambito della settimana meranese di ScienzaNuova e intitolato Gli inizi del tempo ( Il saggio (ora in una seconda versione) e il seminario intendono contribuire al confronto epistemologico tra la fisica teorica e la filosofia fenomenologica sulla questione del tempo. VIDEO


Paul Klee, Die Zeit (1933)

Zaccaria — Gli inizi del tempo

Saggio | L’apparenza e la traccia

Ricordo di Horst Künkler (1936-2008) a dieci anni dalla scomparsa

In this paper, Alessandro Stavru provides a review of the published and unpublished work of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s favourite student, Horst Künkler (1936-2008). Künkler wrote his PhD with Gadamer and Köhler in Heidelberg in 1965, on the reception of Aristotelian mimesis in French Classicism. Under the influence of Karl Löwith, Künkler wrote important works on philosophers such as Hegel, Heidegger, Levinas, and Derrida, but also on writers such as Pirandello, Molière, Kleist, and especially Paul Celan. In the 70s he moved to Naples, where he became full professor at the University “L’Orientale”. Here he taught courses on Cusanus, Leibniz, Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Schelling, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Derrida, and Ricoeur. But he also kept working on poets and writers, i.e. 17th century French playwrights, Hölderlin, Kleist, Rilke, Kafka and Celan. Among Künkler’s most valuable unpublished works is the “Analytics of appearance”, a monograph on which he worked for three decades: here he discusses Jacques Derrida’s notion of trace, which he examines in the light of Western philosophical tradition (from Plato to Aristotle, up to Kant and Hegel, reaching until Heidegger).


Horst Künkler insieme a Gadamer. Foto scattata da Giulio Raio il 19 aprile 1978 in Villa Pignatelli (Napoli), all’apertura del convegno organizzato dalla rivista Metaphorein su Martin Heidegger e il problema della tecnica.

Stavru — Künkler

Saggio | Tempo e valore

Pubblichiamo il testo della conferenza che Gino Zaccaria ha tenuto il 6 dicembre 2018 alla Libera Università di Bolzano nell’ambito del convegno internazionale Academic Freedom Today.

« … non possiamo stabilire l’essere del tempo basandoci sulla sua formula comune, ritenendola magari attendibile senza alcuna verificazione che non sia quella di ricorrere all’orologio, ovvero (se vogliamo andare indietro per l’appunto “nel tempo”) alla clessidra, oppure, se osserviamo il cielo, al moto degli astri e delle galassie… »

Dai Taccuini di Paul Klee

Zaccaria — Tempo e valore

Essay | The Fiction of Peer Review

This essay by Ivo De Gennaro and Gino Zaccaria offers a diagnosis of the fundamental transformation that has occurred in the nature of the pivotal figure of all systems of research evaluation: the peer. This diagnosis, in turn, sheds light on the new “climate” that, as many feel, increasingly charaterizes scientific life on a planetary scale.

«The English word peer indicates “a person of the same rank”. In its true sense, the peer is “the person who has the right to be judged by other people of his same rank”. This notion therefore applies perfectly to those who, being equal (and thus, as we have said, “separated”) in the ward of truth, have the right to be judged as researchers only by those who, in turn, draw their measure of judgment from the very same cognitive need, while they must remain untouched by those judgments that draw their criteria from a different source. Such is the element of justice which informs the “freedom of scientific research”. / However, precisely this reference to the original meaning of the peer permits us to discern a difference; indeed, an essential inversion. In fact, while the concept of the peer, as we have seen, implies the right to be judged by those equal in rank, thus assuming first and foremost a sense of support and protection, nevertheless, in systems of research evaluation, this notion refers in the first place to those who have the right to judge or, more precisely, to whomsoever is invested with the mandate (the role, the function) to evaluate his or her peers. Consequently, the peer now appears primarily as the bearer of a requirement of, and will to, control

Paul Klee, Von der Liste gestrichen (1933)

De Gennaro, Zaccaria — Fiction