Essay | Λόγος and Dasein

Joaquin Trujillo’s essay “Λόγος and Dasein: A Fresh Reading of Heidegger’s Reading of Heraclitus” aims “to contribute to the hermeneutic-phenomenology of λόγος – a ground word that in many ways sits at the margins of hermeneutic-phenomenological thinking and Heidegger contends is as elusive to a matching rendition as the ‘guiding-word’ Ereignis – and furbish its disclosing-saying power.” One of the article’s tenets is that Heidegger’s interpretation of λόγος includes “the meaning of λόγος as Dasein“.


E. E. Cummings, Formalized landscape (1959)


Trujillo – Λόγος and Dasein

Interview | Philosophie und Ökonomie

Kürzlich erschien in der Zeitschrift Academia, die gemeinsam von der Freien Universität Bozen und der Europäischen Akademie (Bozen) herausgegeben wird, ein ausführliches Interview mit Ralf Lüfter. In dem Gespräch geht es um das Verhältnis von Philosophie und Wissenschaft, insbesondere aber zur Ökonomie. Der untenstehende Link führt zu einer Seite der Freien Universität Bozen, auf der das gesamte Interview wiedergegeben ist.


Eduardo Chillida, Sin titulo (1959)


Lüfter – Wissenschaft und Philosophie

Essay | How ancient sources help to understand today’s medical data

Sergiusz Kazmierski‘s essay “Looking at Medical Data From an Ancient Perspective” (Part 1 of 2) attempts to approach the topic of “medical data and the handling of medical data” from a historical-ethical perspective and on the basis of a preliminary analysis of and answer to the question: “What is data?”. It becomes clear that the concept of data in this context is essentially dependent on what we understand by medicine. Two distinct notions of medicine emerge: the technical-scientific and the “hospitable” concept.


Galen and Hippocrates (wall painting, Anagni Cathedral)


Kazmierski – Medical Data (1)

Traduzione | Essere in quanto φύσις – Essære in quanto dizione

Pubblichiamo la traduzione, a cura di Ivo De Gennaro, Tommaso Giongo e Gino Zaccaria, di due partizioni del trattato Besinnung di Martin Heidegger.


Il trattato, redatto nel 1938/39, successivamente ai Beiträge zur Philosophie (GA 65), fu pubblicato postumo nel 1997 come volume 66 della Gesamtausgabe. Lo stesso Heidegger indicò a Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann come tali manoscritti formassero, insieme a Über den Anfang (GA 70), Das Ereignis (GA 71) e Stege des Anfangs (GA 72), un’unica costellazione, che quest’ultimo era uso definire “pentalogia”.


Aline de Souza Lopes, Tumulto (2023)


Heidegger – Besinnung 17, 18

Nota | Sul “kratos”

La parola greca kratos – della stessa radice del tedesco hart e dell’inglese hard – è usualmente tradotta come “forza” e “dominio”. Nella nota che qui pubblichiamo, Tommaso Giongo tenta di coniare il suo concetto ontologico, ovvero una nozione della sua indole.

La nota stessa si conclude con un riferimento allo Zarathustra di Nietzsche (parte III, §29).


Niko Pirosmani, Leone e sole (1915)


Giongo – Kratos

Essay ⎥ Phenomenology and Machine Common Sense

The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) Machine Common Sense (MCS) program is promoting efforts to “mimic” common sense in machines. Its overarching goal is to support the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) from its current narrow version toward an envisaged general one that simulates common sense. An issue it contends is impeding efforts is the challenge of articulating and encoding the phenomenon’s “obscure but pervasive nature.” This article by Joaquin Trujillo endeavors to clarify these alleged characteristics of common sense phenomenologically. It (1) introduces the DARPA MCS program, (2) reviews the cognitive psychology of common sense and highlights its strengths and weaknesses assessed against the prospect of machine common sense and phenomenologically; (3) lays out the phenomenology of common sense and, from those findings, (4) responds to the question of common-sense’s obscurity and pervasiveness.


Paul Klee, Die Zwitscher-Maschine (1922)


Trujillo – Machine Common Sense

Neuerscheinung und Essay ⎥ Was kann Philosophie?

Im Mimesis Verlag ist der von Ivo De Gennaro und Georg Siller herausgegebene Band “Was kann Philosophie?” erschienen. Der Band versammelt Beiträge, die aus unterschiedlichen Ansätzen der Frage nach dem eigentümlichen Können der Philosophie nachgehen – was notwendigerweise auch eine implizite oder explizite Stellungnahme zu dem, was Philosophie sei, einschließt. Im Ankündigungstext schreiben die Herausgeber: “Philosophie ist ihrem Wesen nach immer auch Reflexion auf sich selbst. Gleich welcher Fragestellung sich das philosophische Denken widmet: beim Zugang zu ihrem Thema wie bei dessen Behandlung muss es zugleich auch sich selbst mit in Frage stellen. Der vorliegende Band versammelt sechzehn Beiträge, in denen am Leitfaden der Frage “Was kann Philosophie?” eine Übung in solcher Selbstreflexion versucht wird. Die Texte sind in der Mehrzahl bewusst kurz gehalten und kommen ohne einen aufwendigen Apparat aus, um auch auf diese Weise eine möglichst breite Leserschaft anzusprechen, die am Philosophieren über die Philosophie teilhaben möchte.”


Neben dem Inhaltsverzeichnis und dem Vorwort veröffentlichen wir hier den Aufsatz, den Jürgen Gedinat zu diesem Sammelband beigetragen hat.

Inhaltsverzeichnis – Vorwort

Gedinat, Denkzeit – Auszeit

Essay ⎥ A phenomenological approach to equality, difference and inclusion

The essay by Ivo De Gennaro and Ralf Lüfter is a contribution to the reflection on difference, equality, and their mutual relation. Its core is an interpretation of a passage from one of Heidegger’s lecture courses on Heraclitus, which focuses on the concept of “homology”. The interpretation places said passage in the context of Heidegger’s thinking of Dasein and Ereignis, as laid out in Being and Time and in the posthumously published treatises Contributions to Philosophy and On Inception. The thus obtained phenomenological notions of equality and difference are put to the test of the current debates on inclusiveness in political, social and economic contexts, in which inclusion is seen as a way to establish equality while at the same time preserving difference.


Figurine of Eros riding a dolphin (Paestum, Vth century B.C.)


De Gennaro and Lüfter – Fostering differentness

Notice ⎥ In memory of Parvis Emad

Parvis Emad, professor emeritus at DePaul University (Chicago, IL), passed away on February 16, 2023. As the founder of Heidegger Studies in 1985, along with his German and French co-editors, Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann and François Fédier, he served on the Scientific advisory board of eudia for many years. Emad was amongst the most subtle and profound interpreters and translators of Heidegger’s Denkweg. Notably, his translations of Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis) (Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning), together with Kenneth Maly) and Besinnung (Mindfulness, together with Thomas Kalary), flanked by rigorous interpretive essays, remain milestones in the reception of Heidegger’s thought in the English-speaking world. His scholarly interests, informed by perspectives and provisions derived from hermeneutic phenomenology, spanned the entire philosophical tradition, from the pre-Socratics to Nietzsche and Scheler.

Born in Tehran in 1935, Emad obtained a PhD in philosophy from the University of Vienna (where he met Fridolin Wiplinger), before moving to the United States.

In 2011, Frank Schalow edited a collection of essays in his honor.


Readers can find a previously published contribution here and the announcement of one of his collections of essays here.